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Pulsed laser deposited Ti3AlC2 thin films

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Recently, nanolaminated ternary carbides have attracted immense interest due to the concomitant presence of both ceramic and metallic properties. Here, we grow nanolaminate Ti3AlC2 thin films by pulsed laser deposition on c-axis-oriented sapphire substrates and, surprisingly, the films are found to be highly oriented along the (103) axis normal to the film plane, rather than the (000l) orientation. Multiple characterization techniques are employed to explore the structural and chemical quality of these films, the electrical and optical properties, and the device functionalities. The 80-nm thick Ti3AlC2 film is highly conducting at room temperature, with a resistivity of about 50 µ cm and a very-low-temperature coefficient of resistivity. The ultrathin (2 nm) Ti3AlC2 film has fairly good optical transparency (∼70%) and high conductivity (sheet resistance ∼735 /sq) at room temperature. Scanning tunneling microscopy reveals the metallic characteristics (finite density of states at the Fermi level) at room temperature. The metal-semiconductor junction of the p-type Ti3AlC2 film and n-Si show the expected rectification (diode) characteristics, in contrast to the ohmic contact behavior in the case of Ti3AlC2/p-Si. A triboelectric-nanogenerator-based touch-sensing device, comprising of the Ti3AlC2 film, shows a very impressive peak-to-peak open-circuit output voltage (∼80 V). These observations reveal that pulsed laser deposited Ti3AlC2 thin films have excellent potential for applications in multiple domains, such as bottom electrodes, resistors for highprecision measurements, Schottky diodes, ohmic contacts, fairly transparent ultrathin conductors, and next-generation biomechanical touch sensors for energy harvesting.

Title: Superacid-Mediated Functionalization of Hydroxylated Cucurbit[n]urils

Journal: Phys. Rev. Applied 2020, 13, 044075

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